Our Staff

Our staff is trained in rehabilitation that will coordinate each residents’ overall treatment program. The Rehabilitation gives around-the-clock personal care and support and teaches patients and families more about their abilities and treatments. They have received additional education and training in rehabilitation and are a good resource for answers to patients' questions.

Our Staff teach exercises that may help improve balance, strength and mobility. Treatment may include:

* Exercises to restore motion, strength and a greater degree of independence
* Joint and soft tissue mobilization

Occupational Therapists focus on improving everyday living skills, including bathing, dressing and eating. Treatment may include:

* Strengthening specific muscle groups to help restore fine and gross motor skills
* Comprehensive evaluation and patient education
* Instruction in adaptive living techniques, joint protection, work simplification, energy conservation and motor coordination.

Benefits of Therapy

Increased strength and mobility
Increased gross motor skills
Increased independence
Improved posture and body mechanics
Improved balance
Decreased pain
Increased flexibility
Increased ADL independence
Family/caregiver training/education
Increased home/community functional mobility

Family Involvement:
We encourage family members to be involved in the treatment by providing moral support and by observing therapy sessions. We may ask to have a conference with your family to talk about your goals, the progress you've made and your plans for the future.
Address: 11751 SW 172nd Street, Miami FL 33177 Tel: (786) 842-3805 Fax: (305)468-6504
                                                 Email: Adalinares@me.com
Rocio's Home    Forever